Nocturnal Scorpion Hunting: Locating the Source of Your Infestation
Posted on: August 10, 2020 | by Gary Dobert

Nocturnal Scorpion Hunting Locating the Source of Your Infestation Scorpions are a huge nuisance in Arizona. They are everywhere – likely including on your property – and they rear their pointy tails whenever you least expect them. You try to grab a pair of shoes from your closet and you get stung. You pick up a box in the garage and you get stung. You may even be just sleeping in your bed and get stung. What’s worse is that scorpions are also very hard to find. They are small, they like to hide under logs and rocks (or your shoes and furniture), and …

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Scorpion Entry Points and How to Seal Them
Posted on: March 21, 2019 | by Gary Dobert

Bark Scorpion Scorpions are a fact of life in Arizona, but you don’t have to settle for having them in your home. You can protect your home from these pesky invaders so that you never again have to worry about putting your foot in a slipper and getting a painful pinch. You can sleep easy at night knowing that you won’t wake up to the sight of a living nightmare – a bark scorpion on the wall directly over your head. Key to keeping scorpions out of your Arizona home is sealing it from the inside and th …

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DIY Scorpion Prevention
Posted on: October 17, 2016 | by Gary Dobert

diy scorpion prevention Living in Arizona is great when the weather conditions are nice. We have beautifully comfortable winters, and monsoon season is fun for those of us who love the rain. But what about the pests that bother us on a daily basis and invade our homes. They don’t belong there and sometimes there’s only so much you can do to get rid of them. One of the most annoying, frightening and most difficult pests to deal with is the ever present bark scorpion that nests in Arizona and sometimes in our homes. …

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How dangerous are scorpion stings anyhow?
Posted on: June 13, 2016 | by Gary Dobert

So just how dangerous are scorpion stings? Please don’t tell me not to worry … have you seen an Arizona bark scorpion – or any scorpion for that matter? Um, no. We can’t brag enough about our Valley, how gorgeous our mountains are or how perfect our unfailing Arizona sunsets make a summer evening, but we can absolutely deal with scorpions. Scorpion control is extremely important, and in fact, can be a matter of life or death. For some this fear may not be as readily terrifying, but just because you can’t see them doesnâ …

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Male VS Female Scorpion- Is One More Dangerous?
Posted on: May 13, 2015 | by Gary Dobert

Male VS Female Scorpion- Is One More Dangerous? - Varsity Pest Control [caption id="attachment_2795" align="aligncenter" width="610"] Is your family protected from scorpions? Call today for Mesa scorpion control and removal[/caption] If you live in Arizona, then you are sure to have seen a scorpion, and maybe even in your home. Since scorpions enjoy the warm weather in Mesa, Arizona you may have a few questions about the difference between male and female scorpions, and how to keep your family safe. The answer to some of the most common questions regarding scorp …

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3 Areas Scorpions Are Hiding In Your Home
Posted on: April 16, 2015 | by Gary Dobert

3 Areas Scorpions Are Hiding In Your Home - Varsity Termite and Pest Control Areas Scorpions Invade Your Home Scorpions and humans often will find themselves living in the same quarters. It just so happens that many of the smaller ecosystems within the larger home environment are the perfect places for scorpions to hide. Damp areas, clutter, and unsealed windows or any other other entry points are all the areas that will attract scorpions. Here are a few specific places you might find a scorpion in your home: Undisturbed Areas Look for scorpions in the corners, …

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Preparing for Scorpion Season
Posted on: March 4, 2015 | by Gary Dobert

Preparing for Scorpion Season with Varsity All About Scorpions and Their Evolution If you live in Arizona, chances are you have seen these creepy crawlers in the dry, dirty areas within the desert, maybe even in your home! These creatures are relatives to the spiders, and are even family to ticks. Scorpions have evolved into a creature that has withstood the test of time. They have lived for millions of years and will continue to survive in almost any area due to their ability to adjust. From the warm tropic climates, even scorpions i …

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Scorpion Control in Scottsdale Arizona
Posted on: October 23, 2014 | by Gary Dobert

Scorpion What to do for Scorpion Control in Scottsdale Scorpion control in Scottsdale and elsewhere in Arizona can be difficult. Like most kinds of pests that can invade your home, it is tough to know if you have scorpions or how they get into your home. Once they are in your home, getting rid of them can be a chore that usually calls for a good Scottsdale scorpion control service. It is easy to get discouraged when you find that you have to deal with a scorpion infestation, but you should not lose h …

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Common Insect Pests in Arizona- Part Two
Posted on: September 18, 2014 | by Gary Dobert

Spider Pest in Arizona Here is a continued look into the most common insect pests in Gilbert, Arizona. You may have encountered these pests before but should you be worried? Let’s take a closer look at these insects and if they pose a danger to you or your home. Scorpions Bark Scorpion The bark scorpion is found in the dry, rugged terrain outdoors in Gilbert. They tend to stay hidden within rocks and crevices within the dirt. They are easily identifiable for their long, narrow body and claw. Although they are sma …

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Why is Phoenix Considered the Scorpion Sting Capital?
Posted on: August 27, 2014 | by Gary Dobert

Scorpion Sting There is a reason why Phoenix is referred to as the scorpion sting capital: more than 45 species of scorpions are found there, with the most common scorpion being the bark scorpion. Unfortunately, this type is also the most venomous and most likely to kill you. This species is the only lethal scorpion in Arizona, according to Scorpion Sweepers. Do not let its small size fool you: although it only measures one- to one-and-a-half-inches long, this sucker can sting you bad. Because it enjoys dark …

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