Termite Guide: How Quickly Can They Destroy Your Home?
Termites Gary Dobert Termites Gary Dobert

Termite Guide: How Quickly Can They Destroy Your Home?

You’ve heard the warnings about termites for your home. You know that they can cause damage to all the wood-containing parts of your home, which is just about everything – floors, walls, ceilings, support beams, and even furniture. Yet you may shrug off this threat, thinking that the termites either won’t come for your home, or if they do, that you’ll find them, treat them, and be done with the problem.

The trouble is that termites can feed on your home for months without you realizing it, and by then, they can have caused extensive damage to your home. That’s why you need to invest termite control before you know you have termites. Preventive treatments can keep these pests out so that the damage never begins.

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