Bed Bug Removal

We’ve been helping homeowners remove bed bugs and other pests from their homes for over over twenty years.

One of the worst pests to imagine in your home is the bed bug. They are easy to get and difficult to get rid of if you don’t know how or know who to call when they invade. The life cycle of the bed bug is short, but they can reproduce fast and thrive in warm environments. Arizona in the summertime is an ideal time for bed bug populations to grow. The female bed bugs can lay up to five eggs every day, so their numbers could grow exponentially in a short period of time. To detect if you have a bed bug problem, look for dead bugs, red bite marks in a straight line, and small black spots in your bedding, walls, windows, blinds, and curtains.

Having bed bugs in Arizona is not uncommon, and if you suspect or discover you have a problem, enlist the help of Varsity Termite and Pest Control. Family owned-and-operated, we are a licensed Arizona bed bug control company that provides honest and effective service, removing your infestation and working with you to prevent future ones.

Contact us for your free inspection and quote.

Bed bug removal and control – guaranteed.

As certified pest control technicians in Arizona, Varsity Termite and Pest Control proudly guarantees our bed bug removal services for Valley area homes.

Plus, we offer $50 off your initial pest control treatment.

Working with Varsity

Eco-Conscious. We care about your safety. Our solutions are friendly for the environment and your family.

Licensed & Insured. We are licensed and insured pest control experts for residential and commercial spaces.

Inspect, Treat & Prevent. We offer inspections, treatments, and preventative pest control services.

Guaranteed Service, No Contracts Required. We guarantee our work and don’t require an annual contract to receive our services.

Contact us today and let us know how we can help.